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How to Fall Back In Love With Writing

Writer: Megan RiannMegan Riann

+7 Practical Tips You Can Do Today

Graphic with title "How to fall back in love with writing" and a photo of someone writing near a laptop and another photo of a fancy coffee

Writing can be fickle. One week you crank out ten thousand words and the next you can’t finish a sentence.

This creative cycle is normal. Writing is hard. You’re making something from nothing. If you have a deep passion for writing, you can’t let this lull stop you.

I’ve compiled my top tips for how to fall back in love with writing to quicken your recovery. Think of it as chicken soup for the writer’s soul.

Try Something New

Sometimes we get so stuck on the BIG PROJECT that we forget we don’t always have to be working toward the next publication.

If you write poetry, try a short story. If you write thrillers, write paranormal. I broke through my biggest creative drought by going from high fantasy to contemporary romance.

Not only does this help you develop a more diverse skill set, but it exercises your writing muscle in a no-pressure way. You never have to share this writing with anyone, but maybe it will turn into something you get excited about.

Look Back at Old Writing

If looking forward doesn’t help, try looking backward. Pick up your first journal and laugh at how you overused that cliché phrase and appreciate how you’ve grown as a writer.

Read over the first notes you made while brainstorming and remember the excitement you felt while meeting your characters for the first time.

Find quotes you’d forgotten you’d written and bask in their power.

You must have started on this crazy writing journey for a reason. Take some time to revisit why you love it. You never know when an old bit of writing will spark.

Gather Inspiration

It’s not procrastination if you're doing it for the right reasons.

  1. Pinterest--WIP/Book boards work for a lot of writers. Find quotes, images, aesthetics, artwork, colors, or anything that reminds you of your current project and pin them to a dedicated board. Create a beautiful visual collection that encapsulates your story.

  2. Spotify--Make a playlist for your project. This could be based on mood, theme, plot, or characters. The Spotify algorithm (in all its magical goodness) is great at suggesting new songs based on ones you’ve liked. Create a playlist that stirs the emotions and imagery of your story.

Both methods can stimulate your creativity and get you in the right headspace without forcing a pen to the page.

Get Feedback

Don’t freak out! I know us writers can be protective of our stories but trust me.

Give someone you trust an excerpt from your current work-in-progress (you know, the one you’re currently not-so-loving) and ask them to share their thoughts.

But tell them you’re looking for positive feedback ONLY. There is a time for critical critiques but now is not it. You need someone to look you in the eyes and remind you that your writing is worth something.

Not only is this validating, but it’s encouraging. You’ve written powerful, meaningful words, and you can do it again. Even if you haven’t been feeling the best, you have the same intelligent mind and unique voice.

Take a Break

This is the method that scares me the most and it might scare you, too. But it is tried and true.

Put the manuscript away. Close your laptop. Set a length of time for yourself where you will NOT look at any of your writing projects. This can be a couple of days. Or a week. I suggest no more than a month.

This is not you giving up or abandoning your craft.

This is you recharging to reunite with your writing when you’ve had time to reset.

And this is not a useless vacation. Use this time off from writing to refill your creative well. Go on a walk, watch movies, read new books, read old favorites, take photos, listen to music, etc. Absorb the world and inspiration around you.

When your decided time is over (and not before, you sneaky writer!), you’ll be brimming with creativity and excitement to translate onto the page.

Engage With the Writing Community

Search “#writingcommunity” or “#amwriting[yourgenre]” on your favorite social media platform and see what pops up. See that you’re not alone on this journey.

If you already have a platform, reach out to an account that you’ve always loved and have a meaningful conversation. A simple “Hi! I love x, y, and x about your profile. Can you tell me more about x?” can start so many inspiring conversations. I’ve met some of my best Instagram friends this way!

Try reading captions and blog posts about the topics, genres, tropes, methods, etc. that interest you. (Look! You’re already doing this!) Oftentimes I find that hearing someone else get excited about writing gets me excited, too!

It’s not possible for everyone, but try to find other writers near you. In-person communities can boost your motivation so much.

Be wary of the comparison game, though. This is not about measuring your progress with someone else’s. This is about learning from others and engaging with a community that cares and understands. Surrounding yourself with like-minded creators gives your head the permission to imagine and your heart the inspiration to create.

Be Honest With Yourself

Get out a blank notebook page. Ask yourself why you and writing are not seeing eye-to-eye. Write about how you feel and describe your current relationship with writing. Be real. Be honest.

Are you afraid of failure? Is your personal/professional life taking up too much of your emotional energy? Have you been struggling with imposter syndrome or self-doubt? Does your current WIP no longer interest you?

Pinpointing the why can show you the best way to overcome your frustration.

Read what you wrote on that page. Make an action plan for the next steps in your writing journey.

Bring It All Together...

Writing isn’t easy, but we writers are a tough breed. You can find your passion, again.

There is nothing wrong or unhealthy about going through a rough patch. It does not make you any less of a writer. The pen and the page and the laptop will be there whenever you can get back to it.

If writing is something you genuinely have a passion for, I believe you can find your spark, again.


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